| | The contributions of Jews to the economic development of Egypt through covers posted in Egypt.®Presented By Dr. Elie Mangoubie This document is presented to render homage to the Jews of Egypt and their contributions to the rapid economic expansion and modernization of Egypt which was mutually profitable to Egypt and the Jewish community which was forced to leave by Gamal Abdel Nasser 1-Folded letter sent February 8, 1871 to Robino and Nahman, Alexandria written in Italian and signed by a D. Robina, the name of A. Barda is mentioned in the letter. Nahman, Armand is listed in Le Mondain Egyptien 1943 as” Negociant- Administrateur de Societe, 2, Rue Suares, Rond Point, Alexandrie. Le Mondain Egyptien 1943 lists several Nahman: Alfred Nahman, Rentier . & Mme 9 Rue Neoutzos Bey, tel 26997, Alexandrie Club: M.A. Armand V. Nahman, Négociant, Administrateur de Societés et Mme, née Nina Michaelidis, 2 Rue Suares Rond-Point, Tel 26860, A.S.C, R.Y.C.E., A.R.C.. New S.C.( Ecuries de course). Gustave Nahman, Ingénieur, Industriel, Rue Padoa Bey, Tel 29112, Clubs: M.A. ( Alex), A.S.C. ( Yacht) Marc Nahman, Off. Nichaan Iftikar, avocat, directeur de la “ Revue des Confeéences Francaises en Orient”, Rédacteur en chef de l’Agence Francaise Indépendante & Mme née Turkel 14 Rue Saray-el-Kobra, Garden-City, Tel 50852, Clubs: R.A.C.E., T.T.C., H. S.C. Raphael Nahman, architecte E.P.F., expert né à Alexandrie le 27 Avril 1890, Etudes:Ecole Industrielle Cantonale et Gymnase Scientifique de Lausanne, Ecole Polytechnique et Fédérale de Zurich, & Mme, née Eliane Rodosli, 56, Rue Tigrane Pacha, Sporting, Tel R, 1257,Alexandrie. Clubs:M.A.( Alex)A.S.C., R.A.C.E, E.Y.C.E., C.J.J.,R.C. of Alex. Robert Maurice Nahman, antiquaire & Mme, 16 Rue Antikhana, Tel 52398, Le Caire. Club: R.A.C.E. 
2.- Cover sent to a Jew named Youssef Moussa Menache ( Joseph Moise Menache) with a postal mark MET GAM1rst March 1889 to Cairo, Egypt. Written in Arabic. Le Mondain Egytien 1943 includes a “ Jacques Moise Menache , Agent de Change, 38 Rue Reine Farida, Le Caire. 
3- Cover addressed with postal mark Alexandria 10 XI 91 to a Nessim Haroun Salama, Cairo. Written in Arabic and English. 
4- Cover letter from Richard Rosenberg, Avocat, Alexandrie, Egypte to Signor Cesare dal Bueno, Farmacista, Ramleh, Station, Schutz. On the back postal mark Ramle Schutz, 28 Jul 1892 

5- A Union Postale Universelle, Egypte, Carte Postale sent by Sylvio Rosenberg, Alexandrie, Egyte to Mr Chas Geudtner 210 Madison St, Chicago, Ill, USA, dated on the back postal mark July 21st, 1890 and signed S. Rosenberg. 
6- Carte Postale from Jules Nacamuli, Négociant, Commissionnaire, Branche electricité, Le Caire to Union Electricitat Gesellschaft, Berlin , Allemagne and dated “ le 6/11/1902. written in French. Postal mark CAIRO 7 XI 02. The following Nacamuli are listed in the Mondain Egyptien 1943: Albert Nacamuli, commercant né à Alexandrie en 1906, Et.: Ecole Sup. De Commerce de Lausanne, 2, Rue Warchet-el-Tombak, Garden City, Tel. 40667, Le Caire. Clubs: G.S.C, C.R.E., C.Y.C. , T.T.C.,R.A.C.E. Emmanuel Nacamuli., Avocat à la Cour & Mme, 84, Avenue Fouad 1er, Tel. 20328, Alexandrie. Club:A.S.C. George Nacamuli, Négociant, né à Alexandrie le 3 sept. 1908 & Mme née Marcelle Bigio, 72, Rue Lavison, Bulkeley, Tel. R.870, Alexandrie, Club: A.S.C. Dr Marc Nacamuli, médecin-chirurgien, 13, Rue des Pharaons,Tel: 29864, Alexandrie. Isaac E. Nacamuli, Com. Cour d’Italie. Président du Conseil d’Administration de la Societé Générale Immobilière, président d’honneur de la Communauté Israëlite du Caire, propriétaire, 2, Rue Warchet-el-Tombak, Garden City, Tel. 40667, Le Caire. Clubs: G.S.C. R.A.C.E. 
7- Cover from PORT-SAID by Egyptian Cigarette Manufactory, SIMON ARTZ, Port-Said, Egypt to Madame L Bienfait, 32 Staten Bolwert, Haarlem, Holand with Port-Said postal mark 3 VI 91. 
8. Cover sent to Mister CURIEL from Kena, Egypte with postal mark KENA, 27 IV 02 and on the back a postal mark AMB. BENI SOUEF , 28 IV 02, written in Arabic The translation read: His excellency the beloved, respected Mr Curiel, Director the Anglo-Saxon Bank Limited. 
9- Cover from the Crédit Lyonnais to Monsieur Achille Hirsch, Chaux-de-Fonds , postal mark Caire 13 XI 03 in front and on the back postal mark Chaux- de- Fonds 18 XI 03. 
10- Registered from STERN FRERES, Le Caire, Boite Postale 384, Egypte to Deutsche Palestina Bank , Behrenstr 7, Berlin, Allemagne with postal mark Cairo IV 09 In front and on the back a postal mark 8 4 10. 
11- Cover from Societé Khediviale d’Economie Politique de Statistique et de Législation to Signore Cav. Gpe Podesta, Primo Interprète press oil Consolato Generale d’Italia in Constantinopoli with in front a postal mark Cairo 27 XII 08, sent by J. G. Levi. Secretary Statistical Department, Abdine, Cairo, Egypt and on the back a postal mark PERA. The letter is written in Italian. 

12. Cover sent to Mister Alphonse Beinisch, Berkit el Sap, A block of four 3m on 2m orange cancelled at Birkit e Sap. The back has no postmarks 
13- Cover fromJoseph D. Ventura and Co, PO Box 807, Cairo, Egypt to Lobe Molitor Compagnie, Dresden 3 Feldgasse2, Allemagne, one postal marks Cairo, 4 XII 08 and one Dresden 10 12 08 On the back the label Joseph D Ventura, Agents Géneéaux, LE CAIRE, ( Alexandrie) 

14- Cover from MAXIME L. FRANCO- ALEXANDRIE ( Egypte) in French and Arabic sent to Messrs Samson Cordage Works, Boston, Mass, with post marks x2 Alexandria 15 1 19. 
15-Cover from Moses Léon Franco- Alexandria P.O.Box 1344 sent to Messrs The Commercial Commercial Company of Tennessee, Memphis, Tenn, U.S.A. with two postmarks Alexandria 6 Jan 39. The Egyptian Mondain 1943 lists a Moses Léon Franco, fournisseur de S.M. le Roi, importateur et fournisseur du Gouvernement, né au Caire en 1887; Etudes: Alliance Israelite du Caire et Ecole Anglaise d’Alexandrie , 25, rue Babylone, Ibrahimieh, Tel, 25019, Alexandrie et 9, rue Kasr-el-Nil, Tel,40739, Le Caire, Clubs:R.A.C.E., R.Y.C.E. 
16- Cover from HAZAN, Le Caire ( Egypte) sent to Monsieur CHs. A. Delimoge. Prop. de la fabrique “ La Duchesse”, rue du Parc, 31, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Suisse with 2 postmarks Cairo, 13 1. 19 with mark PAST Censor. 
17- Cover from J. M. Marco & Frères- Le Caire B.P. 31 Faggalah Materiaux de Constructions 131 Rue Abbas printed in French and Arabic to The Union Drawn Steel Co 460 Washington Street, New-York E.U.A with one postmark Cairo 10 Fe 20 in front and back 
18. Cover from HAZAN. DOUEK & Co. Importer, exporters, 2 Rue Bein-El-Nehdein, POB 279, Cairo, Egypt Tel. 284. E with 2 postmarks Cairo 13 jul 24 and addressed to Monsieur August Schelhorn’s Nchf, NEUSTADT bei Coburg, Allemagne. 
19- Cover from M. AZOULAI & A. ABOULAFIA, Boite Postale 587, Le Caire with 2 pos marks in front Cairo, 4 Sep 24, addressed to Firma August Schelhorn’s Nachflg, Neustadt bei Coxburg, Germany.. 
20- Cover from Maison GATTEGNO BROTHERS, Propriétaire: Albert S. Gattegno, Alexandrie: 10, Rue Abou Dardar- Le Caire B.P 59 with 4 postmarks Alexandria, sent to Messieurs Muurtegelfabriek Mosa a MAASTRICHT ( Hollande) Le mondain Egyptien 1943 includes an Albert S Gattegno, Commercant, 116 Rue Fouad 1er tel 23629, Alexandrie. 
21-Cover from M.L. Berman Post Offoce Box No 5 Heliopolis( Egypt) sent to Messieurs Rich. Klinger Aktiengesellschaft GUMPOLDSKIRCHEN b/Wien Austria with postal mark Cairo 1934. Le mondain Egyptien 1943 lists a Michel L Berman , Chevalier de l’Ordre du Nil, Présdint de la Communauté Israëlite Aschkenazi du Caire représantant de fabriques et fournisseur de l;Etat, né a Odessa le 14 juillet 1885. Etudes Secondaires Modernes au College des Frères du Caire, Mme née Esther TALAREWITCH. 18 Rue Adly Pacha, Tel 59913, Caire, GSC. 
22- Cover from The Union Cotton Company of Alexandria, Societé Anonyme Egyptienne, Late V. TORIEL & Fils,Alexandria ( Egypt) sent to Madame Lydia Boutros, c/o Daira des Hoira du Prince Habib Loutfallah, Palais de Ghezirah, Le Caire with 2 postal marks Alexandria 22 3 35 on the back one GIZIRA ( caire) postal mark GIZIRA( Cairo) 23 MR 3 Le Mondain Egyptien 1943 nous apprend que Victor Toriel était un exportateur de Coton, Administrateur de Sociétés et Mme née Rosy CURIEL, domicile 70 Boulevard Sultan Hussein, Tel 20053, Alexandrie.( Ecurie de Courses) 
23- Cover from Jacques Bienenstock, Agent-Commission-Consignation, Importation, Exportation & Gheit el Nouby, Le Caire, ( Egypte) sent to Firma AugustSchelhorn Puppenu.SSpielzeug-Fabrik, Neustadt bei Coburg, Allemagne with post mark Cairo. 
24- Cover from (at the bottom left in red ) Abramino Dahan, POB 1151, Alexandrie and sent to Carl Voetsch , Mech. Filetwarenfabrik, BEUREN, OA Nurtingen( Wurttemberg) with 3 postmarks Alexandria 17 SE 26. 
25- Cover in English and Arabic Albert M. Dessberg, P,O, Box 125, Port-Said ( Egypte, R.C. Canal 1092 sent to Messieurs SEABER EVANS & Co Ltd, Millbank Distillery 14, Deptford Bridge, LONDRES S.E.B. ( Angleterre) with 3 postmarks Port-Said Traffic 19 No 41, on the back a label British Community, War Fund. 
26- Cover from Elie Jacques Hamaui & Co, Cairo, Alexandria( Egypt ) sent to Firma August Schelhorn’s Nachf., Spielwarenfabrik, Neustadt bei Coburg, Germany with automatic postal mark Cairo, 19 Aug 1932. 
27- Cover from GIAC. G. LEVI & Co Postfach 401, Kairo, Aegypten at the front in German sent to Herrn August Schelhorn’s Nachf., Neustadt b, Coburg, Germania with 2 postmarks 23 Au 32. 
28- Cover from Menache Freres 19 Rue El-Manakh, Le Caire( Egypte) at the front with postmark Cairo 25 Sep 30 sent to Maschinen Fabrik Wafios A,G, Reutlingen( WurtH0, Allemagne. The Egyptian Mondain 1943 lists 3 Menache: 1-Menache Jacques Moise, Agent de Change, 38 Rue Reine Farida, Le Caire 2-Menache M. Menache, Banquier, 16 Rue Nabatat, Garden City, Le Caire 3- Menache Maurice M, Banquier 14 Rue Nabatat, Garden City, Le Caire. 
29- Cover from Eugen Hepner 8, Rue Boulevard Saad Zaghloul( Ruelle Debbane), Tel 1057, Alexandrie Egyte with Logo RADIO SCHAUR and postmark Alexandria 15 , 33 and sent to Firma W. Jaedecke, Holsteinischestrasse 28, Berlin- Wilmerdorf. Allemagne 
30-Cover from ODEON , Disques et Phonographes Rue Tahe r( en face de la Poste) B.P. 1233, Caire, logo Odeon postmark Caire 13 Ap 32 and sent to Messieurs Gebrudes Scharf Nachfolger, Berlin-Neukolln, Zeitzer-Strasse,% Allemagne. Odeon store was owned by a Karaite Jew Lieto Baroukh Massouda, married to the daughter of Mourad Farag Bey a prominent Karaite Jew. 
31-Cover from Jack & Armand Rosenfeld P.O.Box 1470- Cairo- ( Egypt), postmark Cairo 8 May 35 sent to Mr August Schelhorn’s Nchf. Neustadt bei Coburg, Germany. On the back rectangular red label with J A&R with a drawing of a Gazelle. 

32-Cover from Jacques M Beinisch 5 Rue Chawarbi Pacha, Le Caire 2 postmarks Caire 4 Ju 41 and a round censorship Dept with M inserted in the center sent to Messirurs Gerhard & Hey Great St. Thomas Apostle, London E.C.4 England. Le Mondain Egyptien 1943 lists Jacques M Beinisch, Industriel, commercant, & Mme née Helene Debon, 6, Rue el Nabatat, Garden City, Tel 40486, Le Caire, Club: R.A.C.E 

33-Cover from Michael Setton’s Sons & Co. P.O,Box 84 Cairo (Egypt) sent to Messrs Uerhard & Hey Ltd, Gt, St, Thomas Apostole, London E.C.3 England with 4 postmarks Cairo 15 Nov 41. The Mondain Egyptien 1943 lists Michael Setton Commercant- Propriétaire 4 Rue Bahr- El- Aama Gezira. Tel 54966, Le Caire . Club: T.T.C. 
34- Cover from J. Rolo & Co , P.O.B. 569 Alexandria, Egyp t( written on the back) to Mr C. Bruppacher, Claridenastrasse, 47, Zurich,Switzerland with 2 postmarks Alexandria 19 Ju 36.. Le Mondain Egyptain liss: 1- a Jacques R. Rolo, Banquier, Administrateur de Societés, 9, Rue de Corinthe, Tel 25578 Alexandrie. Clubs: A.S.C., A.E.U. 2- a Robert Jack Rolo, Chev. Ordre de Léoplod de Belgique, banquier, exportateur de cotton, président de la Communauté Israelite d”Alexandrie, président de la Societé Cotonnière Maarad et Administrateur de l’Alexandria Insurance Co., de la Banque Belge et Internationale en Egypte, de la Port-Said salt Association et de la Soc, Belgo-Egyptienne de l’Ezbekieh; né a Alexandrie le 21 juin 1876; Etudes, Lycée Hoche, Versailles (France); bachelier ès-lettes; & Mme, 8 , rue de Corinthe, Tel. 25578, Alexandrie, Clubs : A.S.C/.U.C.,m R.A.C.E.,R.C., of Alexandria. New S.C. Robert Rolo was associated with “ La Banque Belge et Internationale en Egypte” and The Egyptian Engineering Stores ( formerly Steinemann and Mabardi Co) . ,

35- Registered from V. Bercovitch 6 Haret el Chawarby, Place de l’Opéra, Caire ( written on the back) to Daira du Wakf Feu Chawarby Pacha Rue Fouad 1er Le Caire 2 postmarks Imad El Din 17 Nov 31. 
36- Cover from MOSSERI, CURIEL & Co, Cairo, Egypt sent to Messrs Brookes Marine Construction Co, Ltd, Adrian Works, Lowestoft England with 4 postmarks Cairo 27 Ju I found out by searching the web that “ a machine used In England for dying nalt, manufactured by Messrs Hard Simon and sons of Nottingham was brought to Egypt by Messieurs Mosseri, Curiel & Co. and erected in the factory of Messrs Chorem- Benadin Co at Kafr el Zayat, the Minister of the Agriculture be invited to carry out experiments with it, in view to test its suitability of the treatment of cotton seed against the pink ball worm. Le Mondain Egyptien 1943 lists a Maurice E.Curiel as administrateur , délégué de la Tractor & Engineering Co, S.A.E.& Mme née Gued, Nile Residency, Zamalek,Tel. 51795, Le Caire, Clubs. A.S.C. 
37- Cover from Jack Albert Sasson & Co P.O. Box351, Alexandria, Rue Caied el Gohar, No 16, Place Sainte Catherine- Phone 824 Also at Cairo P.O.Box 753, 55 Rue Emad-El-Dine – Phone 53417 sent to Allied Kid Company Mac Neely Division, Huntingdon . Fairhill Street, Philadelphia, U.S.A with 3 postmarks 12 Aug 38. A Jacques Sasson is listed as Négociant en Coton , 6 Rue Young . Alexandrie , a Maurice Sasson is listed at the same address as Administrateur de Societés and Edouard Sasson as Président de l’Anglo -Continental Cotton Co, S.A.E. 
38- Registered cover from HARARI FRERES MANSOURAH EGYPTE to Jacques SHARBIT, Alexandria ( written in Arabic) with Mansourah postmark in front and Alexandria postmark on the back15 JA 35. The Mondain Egyptien 1943 lists qn Abraham M Charbit as négociant, propriétaire & Mme, 7, rue Hermoplolis, Ibrahimieh, Tel 24665, Alexandrie: The following Harari are listed in the Mondain Egyptien 1943, 1- Albert Harari 2-Charles Harari 3-Clement Harari 4-Emile R. Harari 5-Ernest Harari 6-Col. Ralph A. Harar 7- Sir Victor Harari Pacha K.C.M.G., G.C.O. Nil palmes Or, ancien directeur général de la comptabilité de l’Etat, président d’honneur de ls la Societé Générale des Sucreries et de la Raffinerie d’Egypte, administrateur de la National Bank of Egypt, membre du Conseil Economique de l’Etat, & Lady née Emma Aghion, dame d’honneur de S.H. la Sultane Melek, 8, rue Cheikh-el-Arbeine, Kasr-el-Doubara, Tel.59587. Clubs: M.A., G.S.C., A.E.U. 
39- Cover from FELIX COHEN P.O. Box 1823 Alexandria ( Egypt) to Messrs KenMore Stamps Co, Kenmore, N.Y. U.S. America with 2 postmarks Alexandria 16 X 35. 40- Cover from BUREAU DE LA PRESSE EGYPTIENNE, DIREC, PROP. ALBERT MIZRAHI, 1 Rue Seket El Daher Mansi B.P, 630, Tel 53747 Le Caire, EGYPTE printed in French and Arabic and sent to Monsieur Rey Hercley 162 East 39 Street Ney York New York with one postmark Cairo 24 Apr 39. 
41- Cover from Stross & Siebel 4, Rue Salah El Dine, P.O.BB. 887, Tel.:29294, Alexandrie ( Egypte) and sent to Messrs Kremer & Bayer Metallwarenfabrik, Offenbach A.M. Spiess-Srasse 31, Allemagne with 2 postmarks Alexandria 21 00 35. 
42-Registered cover from E & A Green Avocats au Caire , Boite Postale No 626 21, Rue Madabegh, in Arabic the printing read Jacques and Elie Alkiss Green sent to Cairo Agricultural Cy, Palais Louftallah with 2 postmarks Imad El Dine 29 MA 36 and one postmark 16 Mr 36.and on the back 2 postmarks GIZIRA( Caire)30 MA 36 and Cairo delivery 29 Ma 36. 
43- Cover from Albert Levy, Agent pour Draperies Anglaises 34 Rue Ghaneh Charkass to Groves & Lindley, Ltd , Lion Building St John, RoadHuddersfield, England with censor mark in front and back. The Mondain Egyptien lists an Albert S Levy as Exportateur de Coton, Rue Rolo, Tel 23690, Alexandrie. 
44- Cover from Laniado, Maratchi , Elbassoussi Cairo, ( Egypt). P.O. Box 294 snt to The Chatwwod Safe Co Ltd, 3 Laurence Jountnoy Hill, London E. C 4, with one postmark Cairo 22 Aug 38 ans on the back Laniodo,Maratchi, Elbassoussi & Co , Le Caire. The Mondain Egyptien 1943 lists a Laniado Joseph Ezra, Commercant, 118 
45- Cover from CHARLES DE PICCIOTTO 41 Rue Kasr-El-Nil, 41 Le Caire , Egypte printed in French and arabic and sent to Sa Seigneurie le Nabil Mansour Daoud 13 rue Amir Fouad, Zamalek. En Ville. with one postmark Cairo 22 Nov 39. Le Mondain Egyptien lists a Charles E, Picciotto, & Mme as négociant en coton, 12, Rue Salamlek, Garden City. Tel 40109. Le Caire. Club: R.A.C.E.. 
46- Cover from V. Sarfati B.P, no 1122, Le Caire ( Egypte) sent to Miss America Brassière Co, 913, Van Buren St, Chicago, Il . U.S.A. with postmark 15APR 38. 
47- Cover sent by Emile Salem 13 Rue Maghraby, Le Caire- Egypte and sent to Societé Anonyme Orsi Mangelli 9, Via Borgonuovo, Milan Italie with postmark Cairo 19 May 38 and on the back printed VISITAIA L’ITALIA and Milano postmark 22 V 38 
48- Cover sent by Emile Salem, 13, Rue Adly Pacha ( ex- Maghreby), Le Caire- Egypte to Stabilimento Serico Basica 9, Via Burgonuovo, Milano, Italie wit 4 postmarks Cairo 26 OC 39 and one cencorship mark ( no 10) and on the VISITATA L’ITALIA and one postmark Milano 31 X 39. 
49- Cover sent by BANQUE MOSSERI Societé Anonyme Egyptienne, Le Caire printed on the back and sent to Prince Mansour Daoud, Prince Fouad Street, Zamalek, Cairo written in Arabic. Le Mondain Egyptien 1943 lists : 1-a Felix N Mosseri, administrateur de la Banque Mosseri, S.A.E., administrateur de Societes, né au Caire 1893; Et. : Victoria College, Alex., Pembroke College, Cambridge ;58, avenue Giza. Le Caire, Clubs:M.A.,G.S.C.,R.C. of Cairo 2- a Maurice Nessim Mosseri vice-président de la Communauté Israelite du Caire, président du Conseil d’Administration de la Banque Mosseri, S.A.E., administrateur de Societés, banquier, né au Cairele 21 Février 1886; Et.: Central Technical College, London; & Mme née Helene Mansour, 8 rue Hassan Sbry Pacha, Zamalek, Tel:422195, Le Caire, Clubs:M.A.,G.S.C.. M.S.C .3- a E. Humbert J. Mosseri, vice-consul du Portugal, fondé de pouvoirs de la Banque Mosseri, S.A.E., & Mme Yvonne Misrahi, 167, rue Khédive Ismail,Tel:53153, Le Caire. Clib: G.S.C. 4- a Guido J. Mosseri, banquiet, directeur de la Banque J.N. Mosseri Figli & Co, administrateur de Societés, licencié en droit, & Mme née Joyce Smouha, 88, rue Farouk 1er, Giza, Tel.96997, Le Caire. Clubs: G.S.C.,New S.C. 5- a Henry S. Victor Mosseri, Chev. Mérite Agricole, docteur ès-sciences, ingénieur agronome, administrateur de Societés, secrétaire général de l’Union des Agriculteurs d’Egypte; né au Caire en 1906; Et.: St John’s College, Cambridge University, 60 avenue de Giza, Tel. 9908; United University Club London. 
50- A postcard sent by Jacques & Léon Cicurel, Representants de FabriquesTéléphone 50801, Télégramme LERU.., Codes A.B.C 5th Ed. Bentley’s, Bureaux 6 Ave Farouk, R.C, Le Caire 23761, Alexandrie 15328 sent from Le Caire, le 7 Décembre 30 to Messieurs Farrero y Ca.en C., Calabria Barcelone, Espagne with post mark Cairo 9 De and CENSURA MILITAR, BARCELONA. Le Mondain Egyptien lists a Léon Cicurel, Exportateur de Coton 98 Avenue Fouad 1er, Alexandrie. 
51- Cover sent by Leone DANA P.O. Box 1625 Alexandria, ( Egypt ) t Spettsbile Ditts, J. Ritter, Catania, Scilia, Italia with 3 postmarks Alexandrie Oc 30 and censorship mark ( no 71) and on the back one postmark Catania 7 XII 39 and VISITATA l’ITALIA. 
52- Cover from GIUSSEPPE A. DANA Steam-Ship & Manufacturers Agent, Rue Al Tatwig, 126, Alexandria, ( Egypt) sent to Messieurs O. Haber & Co Indis House, 75 Whithworth Street, Manchester, England with 2 postmarks 28 Au 40 and 2 censorship marks with M in the center, on the back a postmark Cairo 29AU. and a rectangular print with T1903 inside .  53- Cover from Moise Menasche and Fils, Rue Ismail Pacha, Suez, R.C. 1559, Suez,- 3 Rue de France, Alexandrie, R.C 2090 Alex. Printed in French and Arabic sent to Messrs The Hatleigh Inc., 197 Greene Street, New- York, N.Y. U.S.A. and 3 postmarks SUEZ 26 Ma 41and one military censorship. On the back, a picture of Moise Menache & Fils store and in French Habillemenr en Général, and 2 labels se tenant British Community. War Fund. 

54- Cover from DROGUERIE POLITI, M.E. POLITI, S. CHONCHOL, & Co, 11 Rie Cheik H Soliman Pacha, Alexandrie, R.C. Alex. No 1043 printed in French and Arabic. to Bubeck & Dolder, Bale, Suisse with 5 postmarks Alexandria 25 Se 41 and one postal censorship. 
55. Cover from J. GREEN & COMPANY, P.O. Box 600 CAIRO sent to Messrs. M. SIMONS & Son Co., 25, Warren Street, NEW YORK CITY, U.S.A. with 5 postmarks: Mouvement Etranger, Caire 11 Jan 41in Arabic and french and a military censorship mark in front and on the back. Le Mondain Egyptien 1943 lists a Josua Green, né gociant et agent de fabrications, Midan Mosseri, Méadi, Tel. M 156, Le Caire. Club E.T.A. 

56- Cover sent by Felix Franco P.O. Box BAG, Alexandria ( Egypt) to Messieurs The Cape well Manufacturing Company, 60, Governor Street, Hartford, Connecticut, U.S.A.with one postmark 14 De 41 an a censor mark in Arabic and English reading Postal Censor. 
57 Registered cover from Joseh E. Wahba , Barclay’s Bank Building, Mousky, Cairo, ( Egypt) to Majestic Export Corporation, 251 West 39th Street, New-York, U.S.A. with 7 postmarks Churia 7 Fe 43 and 2 censorship marks one in red ink and on the back one postmark Cairo and 4 postmarks New-York. 
58- Cover from Vittorio PICCIOTTO, P.O. Box 741, Cairo, ( Egypt) to Messrs. E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & Company, Inc, Cellulose Film Department, Empire State Building, New- York 1 with 2 postmarks Alexandria 24 No 44 , one military censorship and a printed censorship mark with number 17 and another one on the back with number 6.. 
59- Cover from Alfred Bless and Co , Le Caire in French and arabic sent to Ateliers de Construction Ruti, Zurich, Suisse with 3 postarks Caire( in Arabic only) 25 NOV 44 , and on the back 2 marks 12 DEC 44/ The Mondain Egyptien1943 lists an Alfred P. Bless , commercant, 3, rue Sir Montereiff, Zamalek, Tel: 57838, Le Caire. Club, G.S.C. 
60- Cover from M. J. PINTO & Co, P.O.B.402 Alexandria, ( Egypt) to Messieurs Luis R. Tazzari, Bartolome Mitre 519, Buenos Aires, Argentina with 2 postmarks Alexandria 28 De 46.  61- Cover from The African Star Company, M. J. GOLDSTEIN & Co, Commission Agents-General Merchants-Constructions-Importers and Exporters, 2”A” Maarouf Street ( COZZIKA Bldg) Cairo,R.C 52418, Phones: 53790 to Mrs Ilse Rittman, Wickhams Flat, Maidenhead Court, Maidenhead Berk, England with 4 postmarks Cairo 30 Au 45. 
62-Express Cover The Continental Savoy Cairo sent to Monsieur Valdemar Polack 43 Rue Wingate Bulkeley. Ramleh with 2 postmarks Cairo 13 Ju 43. Le Mondain Egyptien lists a Polack Edwin, Avocat a la Cour, Consul de Danemark, né a Alexandrie 1897, Licencié de Droit de Paris, 18 Rue Wingate, Bulkeley, Alexandrie . 
63- Cover from Joseph & Maurice Levy, Branche Commission, P.O.Box 1342- Alexandrie Egypte to Messrs Du Pont De Nemours & Company, Empire State Buiding, New-York with 3 postmarks Alexandria 12 JA 42 and a Post Censor mark with No15 in the center.. 
64- Cover from René Gattegno B. P. 545, Le Caire ) Egypte) sent to PROVENCE- IMPORT- EXPORT 5, Rue Auguate Pellet, 5 ,Nimes, (Gard) FRANCE with 3 postmarks in blue ink CAIRO 21 Jan 48 and 2 censoship in Arabic. 
65- Cover from MAURICE Y. PESSAH P.O.B 1186, Cairo sent toMr Robert R. Sittig 317 West 99 Street, New York, U.S.A. with an oval postmark Cairo3, 15 DEC and a censorship mark with M inside. Maurice Y Pessah is a Karaite Jew from Egypt and his son is the Acting Rabbi for the Karaites Jews in San Francisco . 
66- Cover from Charles V Castro, P.O.B 402, Cairo, Egypt sent to United States Rubber Export Co, Ltd, Rockfeller Center, 1230 6th Avenue, New York, N.Y., U.S.A. with a postmark Cairo 1945. Le Mondain Egyptien lists a Charles V Castro as commercant, Administrateur de Societes, 83 Rue Farouk 1er, Giza, Caire, tel: 96258. 
67- Firt Day Cover with 2 postmarks of 1ere Exposition Philatelique 28 FE 46, Le Caire and printed the following Messieurs Maurice & Albert S. Wahba, B.P. 1947, Le Caire, Egypte. 
68- Cover from Elie Aghion. 9 Rue Tito Bey Chini, Alexandrie with an oval censorship mark in Arabic and postmarked Alexandria 19 Ja 1949, sent to La Revue des Deux Mondes , 15 Rue de l’Université, Paris 7eme, France. On the back a postmark Aéroport Farouk 20 JA 49. Le Mondain Egyptien 1943 lists Elie Aghion as Ingénieur-agronome, 8 Rue Tito Ney Chini, Tel: 24658, Alexandrie. 
69- Cover from Jacques Avayou c/o DAVID ADES & SON, LE CAIRE ( Egypte) printed in French and Arabic and sent to Monsieur Jules Mary , 6, Rue Mouton Duvernet, Paris, France with two postmarks Cairo, 25 DE 47 The Mondain Egyptien 1943 lists 1- David Ades, commercant, & Mme. 29. Avenue Alexandre-le –Grand, tel29293, Alexandrie 2-Elie N Ades, proprietaire, preésident et adninistrateurs de Societés, Ezbet Ades, Ras-el-Soda, Tel. R.1617, Alexandrie . Clubs: M.A., A.Sc., R.A.C.E, New S.C ( Ecuries de Courses) 3-Emile David Ades, commercant, adminisstrateur de Societés & Mme, 6 rue Cheikh-ei-Arbeine, Kasr-el-Doubara, Tel.41454, Le Caire. Clubs:M.A,T.C.,G.S.C.,A.E.U.,A.S.C.,R.A.C.E., C.R.E.C.P., A.R.C.,( Ecurie de Courses) 4-Emile N. Ades, commercant, administrateur de Societés, président de la Societé de Bienfaisance Israélite due caire; & Mme, 7 rue e lWalda, Kasr-el-Doubara, Tel. 42450, Le Caire. Clubs: M.A.,A.S.C.,A.R.C.,(Ecurie de Courses) 5-Gaston N Ades, commercant, administrateur de Societés, & Mme née Menasce, 20 rue Ismail Pachas, Garden City,Tel59232, Le Caire, Clubs: M.A.,G.S.C.,H.R.C.,A.S.C.,C.R.E.C.P., R.A.C.E.,( Ecuries de Courses) 6-Joseph Ades, industriel,& Mme, Smouha City, Lot No62, Tel R.2188, Alexandrie. Jacques Hassoun nous renseigne que la famille Ades s’illustre dans l’Indistrie textile; Usine textiles al Kahira, la Societe egyptienne de Tissage et Tricotage, les opérations immobilières, l’Immobilia d’Egypte, Le Cairo Agricultural Co and la Land Bank of Egypt. 
‘ 70 Cover from Moussa Horovitz, No 1, Rue Cherifein, LE CAIRE,9 Egypte) printed in Arabic and french and sent to Messieurs ACCIAERIEWEISSENFELS FUSINE in VALROMANA( Udine), ( Italie) with one postmark 5 OCT 1949, CAIRO and 2 censorships in Arabic, and on the reverse 2 censorship marks in Arabic and one post mark UDINE . 101049.. 
71- Cover from Me ISAAC SETTON and Me Nassif Aziz, Avocats a la Cour Nationale e t Charei, 36 Rue Gohar el Kayed, Le caire and sent to Groupements Industriel des Fabricants, 20, Rue Notre dame de Nazareth, Paris 3eme, France with 2 post marks Cairo and one cesorship mark. Le Mondain Egyptien list an ISAAC SETTON et Mme , Avocat à la Cour, 3, Rue Isamail Pacha, Garden City, Tel, 41836, Le Caire. 
72- Cover from Maison D’Ameublement. P. PONTREMOLI 5, Rue Soliman Pacha, Le Caire sent to Monsieur Jules Mary, 6 Rue Mouton Duvernet, Paris 14eme, France with 2 post mark Cairo . 
73- Cover from René CICUREL, c/o GRAND MAGASINS CICUREL S.A.E au Capital de Livre egyptienne 500.000 entirement versé, autorisée par décret royal en date du 7 février 1938 -REG. COM. Le Caire 26426. MAISON FONDEE en 1887- Teleg. CICUREL TELEPHONE ( 8 lignes)49888 sent to UNION- VIE 7, Rue Fouad 1er, Le Caire with postal mark CAIRO 15 FE 1952. Le Mondain Egyptien lists René Cicurel as “ commercant et Mme Maggy Harari 4, Rue Bahr et- Aama, Zamalek, Tel 47437, Le Caire 
74- Cover from LES FILS D’ELIETO TUETA, Importers & Exporters of Metals, Cairo Branch, P.O. Box 1750, R.C. 70896, Cairo sent to SUDDEUTSCHE KABELWERKE, 244 Waldhofstr, MANNHEIM, GERMANY with 2 postal marks 12 Ap 53 and one censorship in Arabic. Le Mondain Egyptien 1943 lists ELIETO TUETA, commercant & Mme, 48. rue Fouad 1er, Tel 28388, Alexandrie., Club: A.S.C.C l 75- Cover from HASSID COMMERCIAL Co, Joseph Hassid & Co P.O.B 1268, , Alexandria,EGYPT sent to FIRMA RIFFELMACHER & WEINBERGER (13a) Rothbei Nurnberg US Zone, Bavaria, GERMANY, On the back a Girafe with printed in Arabic a English Hascoc Brand Two fainted postal marks Alexandria and one censorship mark( Rekabat al Barid) on the front. 
78-A letter from The Tractor & Engineering Company, S.A.E. ( Incorporating: Mosseri, Curiel & Co), Associated with Cory Brothers &Co, Limited, Cairo, Egypt sent to thr American Motors Corporatton, 14250 Plymouth Road, Detroit 32, Michigan U.S.A. Le Mondain Egyptien 1943 lists a Maurice E. Curiel, administrateur délégué de la Tractor & Engineering Co, S.A.E.& Mme nee Gued 
79-Letter sent by Esther ( Béba) Youssef Lichaa( my mother cousin) 228, Sharieh El Gueish, Abbassieh, Cairo, R.A. Egypt with 2 postmarks Daher 16 12 79 to Mrs Esther Jacques Mangoubi, 6923 North Wayne Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60626 to Esther Mangoubi (daughter of Zaki and Nazli( née Masliah dit SALEH) LICHAA, 

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