Our Story of The Second Exodus, and its Aftermath

In the Cairo Museum sits the Menapteh Stele, a victory proclamation
from an ancient Pharaoh. It is also the first mention of the people of
Israel outside of the Bible. “Israel is laid waste,” the Stele proclaims,
“and his seed is not.” The first mention of Israel outside our scripture,
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks once pointed out, is an obituary. This is a striking
testament to the eternity of our people
To this I would add another profound reflection of our immortality:
long after the Pharaohs of Egypt, and their empires, dissolved and
disappeared, rendered into ruins in dramatic Ozymandian fashion,
Jewish communities continued to thrive in Egypt itself. It was in Egypt
that Saadia, one of the greatest of Gaonim, was born. It was in Egypt
that one of the most astonishing of Jewish geniuses, Moses Maimonides,
wrote his Mishne Torah and Guide for the Perplexed, changing Jewish
law and philosophy forever. It was in Egypt that hundreds of years of
Jewish lives, hopes, and dreams were recorded in ketubot, poetry and
piyyutim, as testified by the documents of the Cairo Genizah...
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