Behna Films

Jewish Influence in the Arts in Egypt

published may 30,2019

In the 1920s and 1930s, Jews occupied a pivotal position in the film industry. There were celebrated Jewish actors like Leila Mourad, Nagua Salem, Beshar Wakim; directors and producers like Togo Mizrahi, the Frenkel Brothers, Robert and Raymond Hakim; leading film distributers like Zaki Bonan of Behna Films, Jacques Cohen of International Film, and Elie Israel of Mathathea Films. (Aimee Israel-Pelletier, On the Mediterranean and the Nile, (Indiana: Indiana University Press, 2018), page 13.)

These photographs © are posted on the HSJE website, by permission of Zaki Bonan's  children.

Zaki Bonan in his office with the staff of Behna
Zaki Bonan in his office with the staff of Behna

This collection of photographs were taken on Egyptian movie sets between movie takes, showing mostly the movie actors who were present on the scene, during the filming as well as, at times, other cast members, and associated film personnel to commemorate the filming of the movies in question.

Zaki Bonan (z’l) collection, where he invariable appeared in the photographs representing the “ Selections Behna Films, Behna Brothers “, a production and distribution firm of Egyptian and Foreign films.

He was the manager of the Cairo branch office at 37 Kasr el Nil street. He worked with the Behna Brothers from 1927 until he left Egypt in 1967.

Very early Egyptian Movie (circa 1930's)
Very early Egyptian Movie (circa 1930's). the name of the movie unknown.
Maha Elzaidy On the far right is Marie queen the actress and the younger sister of Ascia the actress and the producer (in the middle),
at the far left her (Marie’s) husband  the director Ahmed Galal.
Sit beside him on the chair the actress Mona in her childhood, she was also the daughter of Ascia.
My dad Zaki Bonan and his older brother Maurice Bonan (z'l) are standing back row 4th and 5th from the left of the picture.

BEHNA Photo Gallery

These photographs © are posted on the HSJE website, by permission of Zaki Bonan's children.

Zaki Bonan In the Office

Zaki bonan

sample photo

in the office (1945)

sample photo

with my uncle Maurice (his brother z'l) sitting rightmost in picture.

The name of the employee was Moustafa. I am glad i remembered his name and not only what he did


Zaki Bonan in his office with the staff of Behna

with my uncle standing leftmost in picture.

A'Arousset el Mouled (1954)

My Father z”l Zaki Bonan seated 5th LHS; Director Behna Films Cairo, Egypt. Young Israel Bonan 3rd from left of picture, standing 4th Left behind me. Brother Leon Bonan

Photo 1: My Father z”l Zaki Bonan seated 5th LHS; Director Behna Films Cairo, Egypt. Young Israel Bonan 3rd from left of picture, standing 4th Left behind me. Brother Leon Bonan

A full display of the Arayes el Mouled (Dolls plural of Aroussa) with my dad standing 4th from left of picture.

A full display of the Arayes el Mouled (Dolls plural of Aroussa) with my dad standing 4th from left of picture.

My dad 2nd from right, clutched by none other than Taheya Cariocca (famous Egyptian belly dancer)

My dad 2nd from right, clutched by none other than Taheya Cariocca (famous Egyptian belly dancer)


Karyet El O'Oshak (1953.)

Magda on the set

From the movie set of "Karyet El O'Oshak" circa 1953. Starring Magda and Yahyah Shaheen. Magda, sitting left Yayah Shaheen, 2nd row standing 3rd from left My father (Zaki Bonan, z"l) standing 1st row, sandwiched between 2 actresses.

Sallem ala el Habayeb

Sabah on the Set

Sallem ala el Habayeb. Sabah (sitting in middle of the picture) and Ahmad Ramzi (leaning behind her). My dad (z"l) first standing row, 3rd from right

Bent 17 (The 17 year old girl) 1958

Bent 17 (the 17 year girl)

Sitting in the middle is: Zubeida Sarwat, Next to her left: Ahmad Ramzy, My father z’l, standing behind Sarwat, Wedad hamdi Abd el mone’em ibrahim

Bent 17 (The 17 year old girl) 1958

Social - Drama - production in 1958 Cast: Zubaida Tharwat, Ahmed Ramzy, Salah Zulfikar.
Directed by: Kamal Attia, Author / Hussein Helmy, Distribution: Behna Films.

dayman maak (1954)
sample photo

Dayman Ma’ak ("Always with you", circa 1954) Starring: Faten Hamama (standing 3rd from left of the picture), Mohammed Fawzi (standing to her left) Distribution: Behna Films. My dad Zaki Bonan (z’L) Standing first left.

esaal a'aleya

sample photo

Esal a’alaya (Ask about me) circa 1953 Starring: Shadia Distribution: Behna Films Shadia on the couch, to her left my dad Zaki Bonan (z”l)

El Hob El Samet  (1958)

sample photo

El Hob El Samet (The silent love) circa 1958 Cast: Hind Rostum, Yahya Shaheen, Miriam Fakhr El Din. Distributed: Behna Films Picture: My dad (Zaki Bonan, z’l) to the right of Hind Rostum in picture. My brother head behind my dad. Yahya Shaheen standing 2nd left, Miriam to his right.

nissa' fi hayati (1956)

sample photo

Nissa Fi Hayati “The women in my life” Film circa 1956, Distribution Behna Films. Cast: Yahya Shaheen (standing 4th from left of the picture), Hind Rostum, Mounira Sumble Zoubeida Sarwat (sitting on the chair) In the attached photograph: My father Zaki Bonan (z’l) standing 3rd from Left of picture George Behna standing 4th from right hand side of picture

Kouloub el nass (1953)

sample photo

Kouloub el nass (People’s hearts) circa 1953 Starring Faten Hamama (sitting left ) and Anwar Wagdi (sitting to her left). Distributed by: Behna Films (My dad Zaki Bonan z’l, standing center) Tidbit: Anwar Wagdi during the top of his career was the most paid and richest actor. He was known to have said … “ All I want is to have one Million pound and I could die afterwards” .. Lo and behold, he accumulated the million pounds and died the same month.