© Dr. Elie K Mangoubi
written in French and translated 9 October 2007)
I was between
nine or ten years
When tragic events
Took place and made me
That times was changing
That my jewish identity won’t
Be tolerated in the land of Moses,
At the horizon, a second exodus
Would disperse the Jews from Egypt
All over the world. For the
first time
I experienced fear, my parents spoke
Of jews being
murdered, blood had poured
At "Haret El Yahoud" where rabbanites
Jews lived, as well as karaites Jews.
Forty two Jews killed, a lot
By hatred bombs placed
By the Muslim Brothers. I begun
To think of the Nazi, the Holocaust
And feared blood would pour
As time passed by, my fear was growing up,
An older cousin
was beaten up
Without mercy by angry moslems
Just after he left
the temple
At Abbassieh, near the French hospital.
The wind of
war were blowing
To free Palestine from the Jews.
The Jews were
to be killed,
I felt the growing worries and fears
Of my parents
in this storm,
Worried about my safety, they forbid
Me from
studying Hebrew in the evening
After school. I was dead worried,
MOM heard on the radio Jerusalem has fallen
She was crying for the
killed Jews.
The sadness lasted even after the end
Of the war.
The Exodus, far away from
The land of the Nile has started.
Three years after, to my dismay
Cairo was burning, jewish stores
Looted. Jews were beaten up.
I saw, the flames of hatred,
inhaled the smothering smoke
Of anger and violence. One year later
A glimmer of hope, the King was exiled
By the army. Would it be
possible to heal
The wounds, all religions living in harmony
country united around General Naguib,
No, bad luck, he was replaced
by a hateful,
Intolerant Colonel who nationalized
The Suez
Canal, signaling the end
To all the Jews of Egypt and Arab
Lands, more than eight hundred thousand
Were displaced as refugees.
The suffering
Of the Jews was to continue